Friday, November 26, 2004

Here's how it's done - Part III

Journalists on Ukraine's state-owned channel - which had previously given unswerving support to Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych - have joined the opposition, saying they have had enough of "telling the government's lies".

Journalists on another strongly pro-government TV station have also promised an end to the bias in their reporting. The turnaround in news coverage, after years of toeing the government line, is a big setback for Mr Yanukovych.
  BBC article

That's how it's done in a country where truth, freedom and democracy are more than campaign slogans and war pitches.

For the first time in years, the UT1 bulletin aired opposition views in a balanced way after the station's management acceded to the journalists' demands.

Oh for some journalists with intergrity in America.

A friend from Kenya said yesterday that he was confused about America's direction and Americans' seeming blindness to reality. It appears, he said, that America (or half of it, he said) believes that America is leading the world, when the reality is that the rest of the world is moving in a different direction, toward peace, democracy and social justice.

Kudos and best wishes to the Ukrainians.

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