Friday, November 26, 2004

If you're not shopping today, you are unAmerican

Which translates to "a traitor"...
And now, day after Thanksgiving, motherfuckers, it's time to stuff ourselves again, headin' out to the malls, the Toys R Useseses, the Marts of Wal, goddamn Macy's (and its yearly "fuck you" to the departed Gimbel's), yee-haa, it's American shopping season, and it's our fuckin' birth goddamned right to be able to spend our enormous fistfuls of tax cut dollars on shit. Fuck Darfur. Fuck Mosul. Fuck France, just for the hell of it. It's Chrismas time, and the media are stuffed to the brim with stories of shoppers leaving their Thanksgiving tables with the desiccated turkey still warm to get in line at K-Mart so they can be first to rush through the aisles and get that goddamn discount DVD player or whatever. And then there's the occasional bone thrown to those for whom a soup bone would be bounty in the form of a local news story about some poor fucker who can't afford to shop or about some family whose soldier son or daughter is over in the shit in Iraqistan. Or died there. But then it's back to the mall, bitches, back to the malls. Hell, the media even offer shopping tips because, shit, this is supposed to be a big, big, year, motherfuckers, so get out there and shop.
The Rude Pundit

I looked over a report from the Department of Agriculture showing that more than 12 million American families continue to struggle, and not always successfully, to feed themselves.

The 12 million families represent 11.2 percent of all U.S. households. "At some time during the year," the report said, "these households were uncertain of having, or unable to acquire, enough food for all their members because they had insufficient money or other resources."
  NY Times article

You know that's a G.D. lie. Why does the Department of Agriculture hate America?

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