Thursday, September 30, 2004

Hurry up with the fascism, Neal Boortz can't wait

But you just know there are plenty of people who believe the same thing.
I am now and have been for years a firm advocate of developing a system to limit the people who can vote in this country. We need to find a way to restrict the number of people who can vote. If we don’t weed out the chaff soon it may well be too late.

Don’t give me that “democracy” nonsense. In spite of what you hear from your government school teacher, your leftist college professor, or that smiling talking head on television, we are not a democracy. Never were. Weren’t supposed to be. You won’t find the word “democracy” in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States or in any constitution of any of the 50 States. There’s a reason for that. Our founding fathers hated the idea of democracy. They knew that a government of majority rule would dissolve into a tyranny of plunder and chaos.

...Welfare recipients. Those who depend on government forced income redistribution should stay at home on election day and enjoy the fruits of plunder.

...For those of you who do believe strongly that everyone should be able to vote, I have an alternate proposal. President Calvin Coolidge once said that “The business of America is business.” Let’s put that concept to work at the voting booth. Let’s treat America like a business and make every American a shareholder. Shareholders get to vote their shares at the shareholder’s meeting every two years.

Did I say shares? Plural? Yup. Just as with any business corporation, not everyone has the same number of shares.

From the author who brought you...

I came across that brilliant analysis from a post at A Chicken Is Not Pillage. Excerpt:

His thesis: that the rich should have more voting power than the poor...
Don’t you just love it? The people who actually fuel our economy with their hard work and attention to decisions will get a greater voice in the direction our country takes! What a concept!
Yes, what an anti-Democratic, fascist corruption fueling and blatantly treason fraught concept...This is the very pit of hell suggested by Bush's "Ownership" society. Them as own make the rules for them to own. And fuck the rest. There is the right wing agenda of the Bush administration, portrayed in black and white. How conservative can you get ... harkening back to the days of male landowners having the franchise, and the rest bowing to their will.

And here's the "intriguing" part that Wulfgar left out of the ACINP post...

Just how do you acquire shares in America, Inc.? Well, you have one share issued to you just by virtue of your being a citizen. You buy additional shares by paying income taxes. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it?

Oh, it most certainly does. Because then all those assholes engaging in tax loopholes and shelters would have to start actually paying taxes, instead of trying to get around it.

If they wanted to vote, that is.


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