Sunday, November 7, 2004

Hillary in '08?

Her fan Josh Marshall thinks that's a bad idea.

I don't like the idea of the presidency becoming the private preserve of a few chosen families. It's bad for democracy, even if a given individual might have much to recommend him or her as a candidate.

...As big a fan as I am of Bill Clinton, I'd be against another Clinton family presidency even if there weren't a Bush family. But given that we're now two President Bushes and counting, it makes it all the more important for Democrats to be clear on the principle at issue. A (Hillary) Clinton v. (Jeb) Bush grudge match in 2008 would be a sign of all sorts of sclerotic tendencies in American politics.

Which, frankly, is precisely why something like that is so likely. We are a nation of team sports and team rivalry. Have been for decades, not likely to have begun with the Civil War, and only firmly entrenched with its passing.

P.S. If the Demwits want to run a woman, I suggest Cynthia McKinney. She's the only one who wasn't afraid to call a spade a spade. And you can figure out why on your own terms.

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