Friday, November 5, 2004

Silver lining - part 2

Gadflyer says yes.

Yes, Virginia, There is a Silver Lining
Buck Up, Progressives!

...Not only did Bush only barely achieve a majority, performing at virtually exactly the level expected of an incumbent seeking re-election, but at 49 percent he holds the distinction of having the highest percentage of votes cast against a sitting President in history.

...Look, barring a true realignment stemming from unforeseen (e.g., impeachment) or unrealized (e.g., a disastrous war) events, Democrats aren't likely to control the Senate for 16-20 years. The losses yesterday aren't proof of anything other than the fact that the Red States are downright crimson now. Kentucky is an excellent example: Voters there cared less about the fact that Jim Bunning no longer knows his name than that there is an (R) next to it.

Well, but yes. Sure. The unavoidable point here, however, is that we have so many "crimson" people in this country. (Yes, Virginia, it's their country, too.) That's not exactly a plus, in my preference book. And, as far as the future goes, they not only survive, dude - they breed.

Too over the top?

Here's my "silver lining": we have increased the speed at which we are barreling over the cliff, so the crash is going to feel like a mercy killing.


I need to learn some new tunes for my fiddlin'. But, maybe I won't have time.

...The problem for Republicans is that they now have sole possession of these problems, to say nothing of whatever other policy disasters they have up their sleeves in the coming months and years.

You might think they'd take a deep breath, be thankful for dodging a bullet this time, and get to work fixing the mess they've created. But thankfully for Democrats (and unfortunately for all Americans), it's quite obvious that the other side is not only drinking it's own Kool-Aid, it's mainlining it. This administration, and its lackeys in Congress, truly believe the war on terror is going well, the war in Iraq is a success ("a remarkable success" as Vice President Cheney said last week), the economy is gangbusters, the prescription drug bill is beloved by seniors, a majority of Americans share the values and policy agenda of Pat Robertson and James Dobson, and other assorted flights of fancy.

No, they don't think that. The King might. But the lackeys don't. They say that. They say it so the King won't get pissed at them and the crimson subjects won't suspect the truth.

Nope, just bring out the popcorn. This is going to be one helluva show. And when the crimson subjects finally do figure it out, they are going to be screaming for hide and blood. Hopefully, it will be Bush hide, but just in case, I suggest you stay indoors and lock the windows, too. Also, stay away from trees and keep plenty of water nearby. They tend to favor hangings and burnings.

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