+ They will establish permanent military bases in Iraq to expand our police protection of Middle Eastern oil and to support our imperialist policies there.
+ They will spend billions building a missile defense system that doesn't work and does nothing more than line the pockets of their defense contractor pals. They will justify it by developing new nuclear weapons to ratchet up the global arms race.
+ They will institute a draft, but they won't call it that. It will be called the Volunteers for Mandatory Patriotic Duty Act or some such nonsensical doublespeak.
+ They will load the Supreme Court with conservatives, outlaw abortion, ban same-sex marriage and civil unions, further restrict civil rights to make us safer, and erode the separation of church and state.
+ The will begin dismantling entitlement programs with a two-pronged attack: privatization, and cutting off their oxygen with more tax cuts and deficits.
+ They will begin dismantling public education, first by injecting religion, prayer, and faith-based "science", then by establishing more arbitrary, unachievable and unfunded standards, leading finally to failure and victory -- vouchers.
+ They will pursue "tort reform" to eliminate the little guy's last remaining defense against incompetent professionals and corporate thugs.
+ They will pursue "tax reform" to establish a regressive tax system that punishes working people by making them pay more than their fair share of taxes while their wealthy feudal overlords pay even less.
+ They will "solve" the health care crisis by deregulating insurance companies and HMOs (or just look the other way) to create an "open market" in which they can raise premiums, cut benefits, and deny coverage to anyone they want, and you won't have any real choice because your employer and his HMO company will choose for you.
+ They will further roll back environmental protections and neuter the EPA once and for all so their pals can get on with the business of exploiting our natural resources and establishing dominion over the land as instructed in the Bible.
Yuuuuum Yum.
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