...So the question becomes, are the curious numbers in Ohio (and Florida) due to the way the electorate voted, or due to the way those votes were summed up in the central office? It is entirely possible that errors might exist which do not affect the outcome of the election, but which are still serious enough to require a serious review.
This is why I, for one believe it is our national interests to have a manual recount of some of the Ohio counties with the most unusual results. But this is not a Kerry issue; this is a democracy issue. Can these machines be trusted? Recounts in selected counties would resolve this: it needs to be done.
Bev Harris and other activists are filing Freedom of Information Act requests and taking other steps to start analyzing the data. What we can do is put weight behind their efforts, without looking like tinfoil-hat loonies. We have to understand, the possibility that a miscount, even if discovered, will be great enough to change the outcome of the election is remote. These FOIA requests and other investigations are happening so that these machines can be validated, not because any of the parties have any actual evidence of willful fraud.
...From this diary, we find at least one county with a very egregious vote counting error.
Franklin County, OH: Gahanna 1-B Precinct
US Senator:
Fingerhut (D) - 167 votes
Voinovich (R) - 300 votes
US President:
Kerry (D) - 260 votes
Bush (R) - 4,258 votes
You don't have to be the Ohio Secretary of State to figure out the problem there. Let's see if he does.
This is why I, for one believe it is our national interests to have a manual recount of some of the Ohio counties with the most unusual results. But this is not a Kerry issue; this is a democracy issue. Can these machines be trusted? Recounts in selected counties would resolve this: it needs to be done.
Bev Harris and other activists are filing Freedom of Information Act requests and taking other steps to start analyzing the data. What we can do is put weight behind their efforts, without looking like tinfoil-hat loonies. We have to understand, the possibility that a miscount, even if discovered, will be great enough to change the outcome of the election is remote. These FOIA requests and other investigations are happening so that these machines can be validated, not because any of the parties have any actual evidence of willful fraud.
...From this diary, we find at least one county with a very egregious vote counting error.
Franklin County, OH: Gahanna 1-B Precinct
US Senator:
Fingerhut (D) - 167 votes
Voinovich (R) - 300 votes
US President:
Kerry (D) - 260 votes
Bush (R) - 4,258 votes
You don't have to be the Ohio Secretary of State to figure out the problem there. Let's see if he does.
Check out the comments to Hunter's post; they are very interesting and informative. I urge you to read them, and hope I don't dissuade you by quoting just this one (because it doesn't address all the points addressed in the other comments), but I think this needs to be posted:
By voter intimidation,
by misinformation,
by bought off election officials, by legal tactics,
by malfunctioning and intentioanlly misprogrammed voting machines,
by early and absentee votes not getting counted.
Can't you see it? The election was stolen not by one tactic, but by many - a death of a thousand cuts, if you will.
By voter intimidation,
by misinformation,
by bought off election officials, by legal tactics,
by malfunctioning and intentioanlly misprogrammed voting machines,
by early and absentee votes not getting counted.
Can't you see it? The election was stolen not by one tactic, but by many - a death of a thousand cuts, if you will.
And again, as I said yesterday, watch Bev Harris' website for the legal outcomes.
...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.
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