Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Comments on the Social Security fiasco

From Greg at The Talent Show:
In this instance, the GOP has drummed the word "reform" into everyone's heads to the point where our side is trying to come up with our own solution (to a problem that doesn't exist). To cede this point to the Republicans is a trap and it'll only end up with a compromise which will put cracks into SS that will never heal.

If you hear a Republican use the word "reform", respond with "bullshit". They're not trying to fix Social Security, they're trying to slowly kill it. If your ultimate goal is to destroy a program, you're not a reformer, you're an anarchist. I dunno about you, but I don't think the best way to fix something is to destroy it. You wouldn't take a car with engine trouble to the junkyard or a sick relative to Dr. Kevorkian, so why the hell would anyone think the best way to fix an (arguably) broken program like Social Security is to bankrupt it?? (BTW, that's a rhetorical question. If you leave it unanswered, then you don't have to worry about a tit-for-tat policy debate.)

The Republicans position on Social Security isn't conservative and it isn't reform. It's anarchy. The sooner we can make Americans understand this, the sooner they'll understand every other bit of lunacy that's come coming from the right like "reshuffling" the tax code, deregulation, tort reform, etc...

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