Sunday, January 9, 2005

Suddenly it's all gone wonky

There have been some distressing problems with tblog lately. If things aren't showing up correctly (or not showing up at all) it's not a problem on your end.

I'm not able to figure out why the heading and links to anything on my server blitzed out, but maybe it will reappear. One never knows. The whole caboodle was down all day yesterday.

Some day I may have to actually pay for premium blogging, instead of going on the cheap with the free stuff, but I don't know that even that would help. It might get the attention of somebody running the site. The fact that the archives quit working here at tblog is a real bummer (you can only get as many as show up on the current page - which I set to 20 to facilitate rapid loading but have recently changed to 30 so I can at least see a couple days' posts). A number of tblog users are squealing about this, but none of us can seem to raise a web author or manager.

I am thinking about going back to blogger, but I dread the number of times that sucker goes wonky.

Maybe it's a sign. Maybe it's time to quit blogging.

Well, I always have to be hit over the head. Signs are much too subtle for me these days.

For the moment, I'll keep trying to figure out what the hell's wrong.



Ooops Apologies to tblog this time. It appears to be a problem with my server, which happens to be the U of MO, and I have no way to contact them today. Probably somebody over there is on the case even as I type. (Yeah, sure.) Anyway, by Monday, when all the professors start squawking, the problem should at least be tackled.

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