Monday, January 10, 2005

Kevin Benderman - additional

A few days ago I posted a link to an article about Sgt. Kevin Benderman, who is requesting conscientious objector status after having served in Iraq.
He says that he is proud of his service to his country, but takes no pride in what is happening in Iraq now. In addition, Benderman states that while he signed a contract with the military to ''defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic,'' he says now that ''I am ashamed to be associated with this mess, and I certainly did not join the Army to kill women, children and old men. I just don't see how these innocent people could be a threat to the constitution of the United States: an American soldier should not be ashamed of what they do''

Project for the Old American Century has a statement from Sgt. Benderman:

First a brief forward from POAC co-editor Jack Dalton. I received an email a few moments ago from Kevin's wife Monica. In it she has told me a total of 22 people in Sgt Benderman's unit have refused to deploy to Iraq. 17 have gone AWOL and 2 have attempted suicide. The status of the remaining 3 is unknown at this time. We at the POAC fully support the decision to refuse deployment to Iraq which has been made by Sgt Benderman, and the others in his unit.

I am Sgt Kevin Benderman and:

These are the chronological events that led me to conclude that I had no other choice than to refuse the deployment order to Iraq.

Continue reading...

POAC will forward messages to Sgt. Benderman.
POAC Director: TJ Templeton
Co-editory: Jack Dalton

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