Thursday, January 6, 2005

Gonzales hearing

"I will no longer represent only the White House. I will represent the United States of America and its people. I understand the difference between the two roles," President Bush's counsel told the Senate Judiciary Committee.
ABC article

And, if he knows what happened to everybody else in the administration who thought they'd represent America and its people in lieu of the White House, and I'm sure he does, then he knows that he wouldn't last six months if he tried.

But, nobody really cares. The Democrats spouted a little faux fire and brimstone just to...well, I don't really know why. Because they're two-faced, slimely assholes would be my best guess.

Despite the Democratic fireworks, Gonzales' nomination was widely expected to be confirmed by the GOP-led Senate. Even his detractors praised the rags-to-riches story of the Texas-raised son of Mexican immigrants.


Democrats seized on the hearing as an opportunity to heap criticism on the outgoing attorney general, John Ashcroft.

Well, that's just real helpful.

"The previous attorney general ran the most secretive Justice Department in my lifetime," said Sen. Charles Schumer of New York. "Will you continue the John Ashcroft 'my way or the highway' approach, which often led to embarrassment?"

Gonzales sidestepped the question.

Yeah, whatever.

Update 3:30 pm: Oh, and by the way...they'll be confirming this guy without even getting all the information about him. Dog and pony show. That's all it is.

Senate Democrats say the White House has refused to give them all of the memos and documents they need to trace how that decision was made so they can review Gonzales' role and how it would affect him as the nation's top law enforcement official.
Guardian article

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