Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Holy Crap!

The founder of the U.S. Christian Coalition said Tuesday he told President George W. Bush before the invasion of Iraq that he should prepare Americans for the likelihood of casualties, but the president told him, "We're not going to have any casualties."

Pat Robertson, an ardent Bush supporter, said he had that conversation with the president in Nashville, Tennessee, before the March 2003 invasion U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. He described Bush in the meeting as "the most self-assured man I've ever met in my life."

"You remember Mark Twain said, 'He looks like a contented Christian with four aces.' I mean he was just sitting there like, 'I'm on top of the world,' " Robertson said on the CNN show, "Paula Zahn Now."

CNN article

Lifting a quote from Kerry: You can be certain and be wrong. But, what moron would have believed there would be no casualties? Even Jean D'Arc expected casualties.

The fool lives in La-La Land.

On the other hand, God tells Robertson the truth. And therefore, I think we can see that when he makes his next run for president, maybe we'd better wise up and vote for him.

Robertson...said he wishes Bush would admit to mistakes made.

"I mean, the Lord told me it was going to be A, a disaster, and B, messy," Robertson said. "I warned him about casualties."

...Asked why Bush has refused to admit to mistakes on Iraq, Robertson said, "I don't know this politics game. You know, you can never say you were wrong because the opposition grabs onto it..."

Okay, maybe we better not vote for him. If he doesn't know the game.

Even as Robertson criticized Bush for downplaying the potential dangers of the Iraq war, he heaped praise on Bush, saying he believes the president will win the election and that "the blessing of heaven is on Bush."

"Even if he stumbles and messes up -- and he's had his share of stumbles and gaffes -- I just think God's blessing is on him," Robertson said.

I wonder why God doesn't tell him the truth about casualties in the event of war, then. Doesn't want him to have second thoughts about starting one, I guess.

...hey, do what you're God, eh?

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