Monday, October 25, 2004

Iraq elections

I assume that YWA is not your only source of news, and that you have seen the questions buzzing about whether the Iraqis might elect a cleric - nay, even a fundamentalist, women-repressing, rule-of-God (excuse me...Allah) president in January. It seems likely, if the elections are fair. (Yes, a very big "if".) And Bush has been recorded as saying he'd just have to accept it because that would be democracy.

Now, how are they going to prevent that from happening, is my question. Because that would be democracy in action at the voting place. And is democracy not synonymous with equal rights and secular laws? If the majority of people want someone to tell them what to do, if the majority want a tyrant king, then isn't that technically democracy? Won't that be rich if the Iraqis actually vote to have a fundamentalist dictatorship? Some reports say that a huge number would even vote for Saddam. Kind of ironic and wierd. What will be our reason for staying there and bombing them to hell then?

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