Sunday, October 24, 2004

More covers slipping off

Josh Marshall posts on a new report revealing the truth of the charges that the U.S. government has been trying to cover up the fact that during the invasion, while we guarded the oil ministry, we left weapons caches unguarded - serious weapons - which are now being used against us.

What also emerges in the Nelson Report is that the Defense Department has been trying to keep this secret for some time. The DOD even went so far as to order the Iraqis not to inform the IAEA that the materials had gone missing. Informing the IAEA, of course, would lead to it becoming public knowledge in the United States.

Jesus fuck, I think is the appropriate comment for that. Ordered them not to report it.

From the report:

Despite pressure from DOD to keep it quiet, the IAEA and the Iraqi Interim Government this month officially reported that 350-tons of dual-use, very high explosives were looted from a previously secure site in the early days of the US occupation in 2003. Administration officials privately admit this material is likely a primary source of the lethal car bomb attacks which cause so many US and Iraqi casualties.

...The Bush Administration barred the IAEA from any participation in the Iraq invasion and occupation process, and blocked IAEA requests to help in the search for WMD and other dangerous materials. As part of the UN sanctions regime still in place when the US invaded, the IAEA had “under seal” 350 tons of RDX and HDX explosives, since singly, and in combination, these materials can be used in the triggering process for a nuclear weapon. However, the explosives were allowed to remain in Iraq due to their conventional use in construction, oil pipe lines, and the like. Since the explosives went missing last year, sources say DOD and other elements in the Administration sought to block the IAEA from officially reporting the problem, and also tried to stop the new Iraqi Interim Government from cooperating with the IAEA.

...There was an expectation of a major newspaper story on it this morning, and perhaps also a segment on tonight’s 60 Minutes, on CBS Television. The newspaper report failed to materialize, the TV show may yet appear...stay tuned.

The same people who recently reported as news some fake papers about George AWOL Bush's time in the TANG? I guess there'd be two ways to look at it - a way to make up for the bungle, or information that would be trashed because of the messenger.

You can get a lot more information from Marshall's post.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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