Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Iraq's missing weapons material

Josh Marshall discusses the administration's claims about the missing ammo and concludes...

What I am trying to show is that Pentagon appointees like Di Rita don't seem to have any clear idea what happened to this stuff. And in an attempt to push back the story, they're cooking up various theories, most with very short half-lives, that just don't seem credible to a lot of folks who follow these issues.

If you look at the multiple contradictions in the different stories administration officials told reporters over the course of Monday, it's hard not to get the sense that they're caught without a good explanation and they're just making this stuff up as they go along.

Which is their proven M.O., but the more amazing thing is that we Americans believe it. Every time they make up a new story about something, even though it is only a few hours from the last story, we believe it. Unfuckingbelievable.

And maybe they do know what happened to the stuff. Maybe they conveniently turned a blind eye. It is not an action beneath them. There is no beneath them.

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