Friday, October 22, 2004

More documents released regarding Abu Ghraib torture

[T]he US government released thousands of pages of documents on prisoner abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan, including details on three deaths at Abu Ghraib and alleged molestation of a female inmate by soldiers on Friday.
  Aljazeera article

The old release-it-on-Friday so the weekend will absorb it without much media attention trick.

The government released the documents to the American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union after a court ordered the government to comply with a year-old request under the Freedom of Information Act, the ACLU said.

Gee, that didn't take long. And isn't it nice that the government has to be forced to release the information, rather than adamant to uncover and rectify an immoral and illegal situation?

You can find a list of the documents released to the ACLU on their website here. Most of the documents are those withheld from the Taguba investigation and report and are listed here with a brief description of their contents.

And don't think that there aren't more documents and photographs that you won't be seeing any time soon.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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