Monday, October 25, 2004

McCain is upset at CIA tactics

Leading senators expressed concern Sunday about a report that the CIA has secretly moved as many as a dozen unidentified prisoners out of Iraq in the past six months, a possible violation of international treaties.

Sen. John McCain said interrogations can help extract crucial information from detainees on plans for attacks against Americans. But international law, including the Geneva Conventions, must be followed, he said.

"These conventions and these rules are in place for a reason because you get on a slippery slope and you don't know where to get off," McCain, R-Ariz., told ABC's "This Week."

"The thing that separates us from the enemy is our respect for human rights," he said. article

Okay, maybe someone even as high up in the political affairs of this country as a senator could be ignorant of all the human rights abuses the CIA has been responsible for globally over the past decades, but has he been off the planet in the past year? Did he miss Abu Ghraib?

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