Tuesday, October 5, 2004

VP debate

Cheney might be able to pull off the man-behind-the-curtain act if he had Bush's social skills -- or at least the ones the president had before last week's debate, when his own inner Cheney seemed to surface. But Cheney lacks Bush's fake folksy charm. He comes off as somniferous in person, a little sinister on TV. His convention speech was not so much a flop as it was a dull thud.

...On the stump, Edwards says that Bush and Cheney are "the last two people in America" who still think the Iraq war is going well.

...Both campaigns are prepared for tonight to be contentious, in part because the tension is amped up after the first presidential debate, and in part because the debaters who will share the stage are so different in every way. They won't agree on matters of substance, and they couldn't be more different in style. Someone is going to be uncomfortable with the tenor of the debate tonight, and that someone will lose.
  Salon article

As I understand it, Cheney has been in an undisclosed location since this morning. I bet The General is praying Oil Slick doesn't tell Edwards to fuck himself live and on TV.

But this is what keeps these pirates in the running:

A new USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll finds that 42% of respondents thought Saddam was involved in the 9/11 attacks and 32% said they thought he had personally planned them. (Seen at Cursor)

Abandon hope.

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