Thursday, October 7, 2004

VP Debate

Well, it appears that at least of the people who watched the debates (I wonder what percentage of American voters that was, and what demographic), John Edwards was the overwhelming favorite.

Update: Houston Chronicle (Bush country):
10:40 pm, 6025 votes
Vice President Dick Cheney: 11%
Sen. John Edwards: 88%
It was a draw: 1%
Total Votes: 6025

Update: 9:15 pm, MSNBC poll:

Who won the debate? 323145 responses

Sen. John Edwards 71%
VP Dick Cheney 29%

CBS:CBS News tracked the reactions to tonight's vice-presidential debate of a nationwide panel of 169 uncommitted voters - voters who could change their minds before Election Day. Here are the initial results. This scientific poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 7 percentage points:

* By 41% to 29%, uncommitted debate watchers say Edwards won the debate tonight.
Talk Left article

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